Joe from Naughty Piglets in Brixton is in the Katto kitchen this week, cooking a beautiful mackerel dish that's fresh, light and incredibly easy. Find the full recipe below.
Serves 1
- 1 mackerel (or two fillets)
- 50ml water
- 50ml white balsamic vinegar
- 2 tbsp sugar
- Small bunch coriander
- 1/2 stick rhubarb
- Thumb sized piece ginger
- Glug of olive oil
- Black pepper to taste
- Sea salt to taste
- 1 tbsp Greek yogurt/crème fraîche
Add the water and white balsamic vinegar to a Sauté Pan and stir through the sugar. Set on a medium heat, add a few coriander stalks and the offcuts from the ginger, and simmer until the sugar is completely dissolved.
Roughly dice the stalks of rhubarb using a sharp knife, and grate your ginger. Combine the two in a bowl, before adding a glug of olive oil, a few grinds of black pepper and a pinch of sea salt.
Remove the balsamic mix from the stove and pour this through a sieve over the rhubarb and ginger, then set aside to cool.
Fillet your mackerel if needed, and pat each fillet down on both sides to remove any excess moisture. Season with a little salt and then place skin-side down into a warm pan with a good dash of olive oil. Gradually bring the heat up and fry for a couple of minutes, until you have a crispy, browned skin.
Flip your fillets over, squeeze a dash of lemon juice over the skin and baste a few times with the olive oil. Remove from the heat and plate alongside a good spoonful of your rhubarb mix, and a spoon of creme fraiche. Garnish with coriander and serve.